Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Which is your Strata?

Any idea how many sects there could be among human beings? A difficult question to answer… The reason being, every individual might come up with his/her idea of pegging different people.
Human race in itself can be graded on different levels, depending on what strategy is used for marking & demarking. Understanding human psychology from their behavioral reflexes, responses towards social life or yet again their adherence towards societal norms poses a partial picture of where he/she may thrive in society. The usage of your brain power to gear your own actions in your day to day life places you in one of the stratums.

Broadly divided, humans fall in three tiers… the “ORDINARY” … the “EXTRA ORDINARY” … and finally the “MIDDLE LAYER”.

The ‘ordinary’ comprise the kind that, live in submission. You never find them voluntarily breaking laws or if broken, the dueful must always follow. This strata needs to be led, they look forward to the bindings & customs imposed upon them as part of society. They seldom try something new and never want to be let loose. Given the freedom to make a free choice, they’d want to follow what has been in the mainstream.

The second distinction of society, the ‘extra-ordinary’… What’s their stand? That’s the whole thing… they posses a stand for themselves, whatever be the topic. They perceive themselves as a different elite layer. Hardly, do they give into the general thought process and almost always break the existing to create the new exemplaries. This category goes to any extent of using the guts required to prove their point. The ‘ordinary’ of their own era condemn the ‘extra ordinary’ but the same in an era down would follow them or call them the ‘Geniuses’.

The third category forms that layer, which has the faculty to think above the ordinary but fail to execute their thoughts as the extra-ordinary do. They try to fight the ordinaries of society and break the ice but soon realize they do not have the nerve enough to endure consequences & therefore abide by the existing.
Both the ordinary and the extraordinary are almost always happy… the ordinary never wants to come out of its comfort zone & the extraordinary has its way no matter who interferes. But the middle strata, always suffers and hides his/her wounds only because he/she is never happy with what is done but yet chooses to live with it.

Try to figure out where you fall. If it’s the middle layer, all you need is a bit of ‘self-confidence’ and an enormous amount of ‘sense of doing the right’ – A CLEAR CONSCIOUS.


Unknown said...

The ordinary, the extraordinary and the Majority. I think most educated, urban youth fall in the middle layer... well they now have your encouragement to step up for wt is right...wonderful!


yezdi3736 said...

Now tht wuz inspiring! Wotz next in ur kitty? Poetry, Inspirational posts...gud stuff Liz :)